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Abism Arte - Cultural Center                                                                                                         Gocho Versolari, poet


julio 24, 2021

 Intimacy with the Abyss


Conventional literature classes, in which a teacher exposes classics to a bored set of students, will never produce poets. The teacher will only manage to transmit contents that are dry and lifeless; like a huge album full of butterflies pinned to empty pages. An exhibition of dead beauties is useless when poetry is life; craziness; constant churning.

 At some point in his existence, every poet must find his own abyss. In solitude, he will walk the shores of nowhere, until he decides to throw himself into the void. Everything else, premature posts on social networks, poetry as social performance, are distractions; delays that postpone that moment of intimate union with one’s own immensity. Only after that experience, when an individual perceives their poetic voices as erupting volcanoes, will they be able to pour themselves out on the readers, flooding them with fire.


Poetry is not just another activity. It is not an ornament. It is a vital decision, a confrontation with the immensity that is in each one of us. A poetry workshop can only be conceived as a path that the facilitator and the poet must travel together. Whoever decides to delve into their poetic voices needs a guide, someone who will provide an orientation and a serene reflection that contrasts the chaotic expanses to be traversed.


 Poetry could be compared to a steep journey. The poet observes the lonely days with dismay during bewilderment and pain. Suddenly the poet finds a companion, as happened with Dante: Virgilio, his ancient teacher, accompanies him on his journey through hell. Of the joint journey, of the fraternal talk, of the remarking on the changing colors of the birds, of the skies, of the texture of the grass under their feet, the definitive silhouette of poetry will emerge.


 The poems you write and keep are unique. Your voice, your voices are unique, unrepeatable. Your collection of poems is the one that marks the path that you will have to travel, the spaces of a continent that is within you. In the workshop you will work with your verses, discovering the links they have with other branches of art, and helping you to discern the destination to which they point.




INTIMACY WITH YOUR ABYSS is an individual poetry workshop. There is no preset program. Although the objectives are the deepening and expression of the poetic work, they are adapted to each individual case. The steps to follow, the duration of the workshop, the plan and all the details will emerge first from the participant's work. The guide to the program will be the dreams and the work of the poet.


Based on this, the facilitator will propose a basic program and duration of the workshop. The participant may incorporate questions or themes to develop. The map to the way forward will be made between both, as well as the duration and nature of the exercises. Poetic ability, excellence as a poet, are within each one of us. Only careful practice can develop them. All that is required for the workshop is courage and a spirit of adventure: the conditions that the muses have always rewarded with fiery and brilliant verses.


More information:


Gocho Versolari


A silhouette of a dog

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WhatsApp and phone: 001 314 363 7235




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